Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Egyptian Religion

Egyptians were polytheistic or worshipped many gods. In every city-state each town wanted their own god. Some of these gods were Amon-Re, Horus, Anubis,Osiris,Set,and Isis. They worshipped their gods and godesses at a temple. At each temple their were four priests here they made animal sacrifices. They had incense and carried the god's image around the temple. Egyptians believed their pharaoh was a represinitive of their god on Earth.

Egyptians believed in the afterlife when you died.They believed your soul still lived and that your soul goes into the next world. They would put everything in your grave that you'll need for the next world. When someone rich or important died they would be mummified.

In 323 A.D when Ptomely captured Egypt, Egypt was under Greek law. Egypt then worshipped Greek gods. Then in when Romans took over Egypt in 30 A.D small groups of Egyptians became Christians. By the 600's Egypt converted to Islam.
You can read Egypt Encyyclopedia to learn more

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