Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Egypt Defeats Nubia

Egypt wanted Nubia's minerals and expensive sources.Nubia became a bridge of trade traveling between Egypt and Africa. Nubia had control over three main cities Kerma, Napata and Meroe. Kerma had gained more than power but wealth too.

It controlled the trade in Egypt and Africa. They were gaining power as Egypt got weaker. Around the 1500's B.C Egypt was getting stronger and bcame to gain power of Africa. Thutmose I sent numerous armies into Nubia. The war lasted 50 yrs then Egypt gained control of Nubia. They would rule Nubia for the next seven-hundred years.Then there was eace between the two countries. This was a great accomplishment.

Egyptian Money

A cent in Egypt =a piastre

A nickel =5 piastries=a shilling

A dime =10 piastries

If you've caught on to the pattern you'll see that a penny is equal to a piastrie.

4 quarters =1 lb

1 dollar =1lb

If you've caught on you'll see that one lb is equal to one dollar.

So Egyptian money's coins worth is very similar to America's.

Bullet Points of Ancient Egypt

.Egyptians were Polytheistic.
.The Nile River is the longest river in the world.
.Pharaohs had absolute power.
.Egypt has a very dry climate.
.Egypt is northeastern Africa and western Asia.
.Egypt has very rich soil
.The queen was often the queen's sister
.Prisoners were captured and made slaves.
.Peasents could own their own land but most worked for wealthier people.
Egyptians write on clay,stone, and papyrus an early form of paper.
.The pharaoh made all the important decisions.
.Women lived freely
.The Nile was used for trade.
.The desert protected Egypt from foreign attacks.
. Egypt has one of the most diffucult languages to read.

Egyptian Literature and Architecture

Egyptian literature is hard to understand. Egyptian writing is one of the most earliest writings. Scientist aren't sure did they learn their writing from Sumerians who also began writing around the same time. Their writing is called hyeroglpics. Egyptians also use art to describe a story. Most Egyptian arts comes out of tombs so they were about prayers.

Egyptians didn't always build pyramids over a period of time different buildings were being made. Egyptians built alot of mastabas. In the Old Kingdom pyramids were becoming famous. In the Middle Kingdom mastabas were bing built again. In the New Kingdom there were not that many tombs being built. There were many temples and palaces for the pharaohs.
You can learn more at

Egyptian Religion

Egyptians were polytheistic or worshipped many gods. In every city-state each town wanted their own god. Some of these gods were Amon-Re, Horus, Anubis,Osiris,Set,and Isis. They worshipped their gods and godesses at a temple. At each temple their were four priests here they made animal sacrifices. They had incense and carried the god's image around the temple. Egyptians believed their pharaoh was a represinitive of their god on Earth.

Egyptians believed in the afterlife when you died.They believed your soul still lived and that your soul goes into the next world. They would put everything in your grave that you'll need for the next world. When someone rich or important died they would be mummified.

In 323 A.D when Ptomely captured Egypt, Egypt was under Greek law. Egypt then worshipped Greek gods. Then in when Romans took over Egypt in 30 A.D small groups of Egyptians became Christians. By the 600's Egypt converted to Islam.
You can read Egypt Encyyclopedia to learn more

Everyday Life and Food

Egypt was a very fertile place. Most people were farmers and craftsmen. The Nile's floods gave very clayey soil.The Egyptians were one of the first people to start farming. When Egypt started farming they began to have a surplus of food. Most houses were made out of mud bricks. People fished alot especially knowing tht the Nile River flows through Egypt.

Egypt is a very dry place because of this Egyptians could only eat certain types of food. They turned wheat into bread,soup and porridge.They added hops to turn it into beer. Egyptians ate alot of meat they could go to the butcher shop and buy meat. Egyptians didn't eat pigs because they thought pigs were dirty and they carried leprosy. For desserts they ate dates(to the left). Scientist have found seeds so Egyptians may have grew watermelons and other melons.